Available Scholarships

Bro. Ray Bauman
Memorial Scholarship
The Bro. Ray Bauman Memorial Scholarship offers campers the chance to attend camp at a discounted price. This scholarship honors the legacy of TMBC's founder, Bro. Raymond "Ray" Bauman, who dedicated his life to serving in full time camp ministry.
To apply for this scholarship, please email the camp office at office.tmbc@gmail.com. Once awarded, the money will be sent directly to TMBC to cover all registration costs.
For more information, contact the camp office at (970) 930-7859 or email office.tmbc@gmail.com.

Cornerstone Baptist Church Scholarship
Each year the youth of Cornerstone Baptist Church raise funds to be able to attend TMBC. Due to extra funds, they would like to sponsor the following: One FLAGS camper, and three Combo campers.
To apply, please provide a short essay (parents can assist if needed) about who you are and why you would like to attend FLAGS or a combo camp. Once awarded, the money will be sent directly to TMBC to cover all registration costs.
For more information, text Dan Lehman at (307) 761-1045 or email dan_cornerstonebaptist@yahoo.com.